What wood is it and why? Seeing and understanding wood in a whole new way.
Three days over the weekend, September 13-15, 2024
(Friday, Saturday 9.00am-4.00pm, Sunday 11:00 – 4:00)
At the Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic, CT
Class fee includes a hardwood sample kit, 10x loupe, book (Identifying Wood) and Friday lunch.
Anna McCormick-Goodhart –
“The fact that one can venture forth from Randy’s class of only three days with a confident and readily-applicable scaffolding for understanding not only wood anatomy, growth patterns, and available wood technologies, but how each of those knowledge bases informs construction techniques, restoration/conservation practices, and diverse material histories, is testament to the strength of this course and Randy’s singular skill in condensing a veritable wealth of information into an engaging, accessible, and concentrated capsule that unfolds in dialogue with its many possible real-world applications. As he himself aptly said at the end of the class, it’s a bit like seeing the stars through a telescope for the first time and encountering a whole new field of engagement and possibility…”
Anna McCormick-Goodhart
Art Historian